OLD About


KY Fitness is Kalli Youngstrom, or should I say Kalli Youngstrom is KY Fitness?

Either way, let me tell you about myself!

Fitness has been one of the biggest pillars in my life for as long as I can remember. Growing up in a small town everyone had to play basically every sport in order to have enough for a team, so I did it all, but eventually found wrestling where I focused all of my energy for 9 years and competed at the national level. Wrestling was life changing in many ways and helped me to develop a work ethic and focus that I am forever grateful for.

After I graduated high school I was no longer able to wrestle due to concussions, but I knew I needed and wanted to continue being active, so I started running. It didn’t take long before I was introduced to the world of bodybuilding and happily ditched running to pursue a new challenge, traded in the treadmill for dumbbells, and began to prepare for my first figure show.

At this time I was completing my first degree, a bachelors in psychology, my first academic passion and what continues to be one of my biggest passions today. I continued to compete in bodybuilding as I pursued my second degree, a bachelors of marketing, and within 4 years I had 2 degrees and knew I wanted to be an IFBB Pro.

Throughout university I shared progress pictures and updates on my experiences with my fitness and nutrition, and many friends and family members began asking for meal plans and workouts for themselves. I knew I wanted to help and was so excited to encourage others to focus on fitness and nutrition, so over February break I completed my personal training certificate and immediately sought out a nutritional education program to ensure I was able to give the best advice to those who asked.

This is how KY Fitness was born. Throughout university I continued to share my experience, provide tips and tricks through social media and my website, and by the time I had finished my second degree, I knew what I wanted to do with my life and was ready to make the commitment to spend my life enhancing the lives of others.

As I pursued my business I continued to compete in figure competitions, soon achieving my wildest dreams of becoming an IFBB figure pro in just 3 years of competing. Although I have decided competing is no longer the path that’s right for me, I am forever grateful and forever proud of this accomplishment and what I have achieved.

Over the last 5 years I have coached thousands of clients from all over the world. From athletes, to bodybuilders, to new moms, and everything in between, I focus on customizing fitness and nutrition programs that are proper for each individual, and I am constantly educating myself and working to expand my knowledge to better equip my clients in moving forward successfully.

One of the things that makes me unique as a coach, and one of the reasons I believe I am able to be a great coach, is that I have always been self-coached. I have experience in self-application and have achieved fitness, physique, and athletic goals as a result of my own coaching, from achieving my IFBB pro card, to setting national records and placing in the top 10 at World’s in powerlifting, and coaching myself through everything in between.

With certificates in personal training, personal nutrition, sports nutrition, and weight management to name a few, I am confident in my applied knowledge and first-hand experience as an athlete and coach to help others reach their health and fitness goals.

I believe that my focus on overall health, psychology, and my personal experience enables me to create sustainable lifestyles that clients can maintain for the long term. Whether the goal is health, fitness, function, physique, or a combination, I know I can cater a program to you to get the results you want.

I feel confident in working with clients of all levels and goals in regards to health and fitness, and have many clients who focus specifically on high-fat diets and hormonal regulation and recovery as well as everything in between.

If you are interested in living your best life and taking your health and fitness into your own hands, let’s talk and get you on the path to sustainability and lifestyle!

P.S. If you want to learn more about me, my personality, hobbies, cat, and everything else KY, please find me on Instagram at @kyfitnessandnutrition, I love to (over) share my days there


No matter what your goal, I’m here to help you implement the proper training and nutrition plans to ensure you achieve success. From weight loss clients, to competitive athletes, to lifestyle transformations, and contest prep, all programming is customized and personalized to fit YOU & your goals!


What better time than now? Unless I’m in the gym or sleeping, then tomorrow! Let’s get started!


Physically, I’m located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada! But thanks to the power of the interwebs I’m available to help you with your fitness and nutrition no matter where in the world you’re located!


You tell me! Let me know what your goals are for health, physique, and function and let me help you achieve them in the most efficient and effective way possible! See the packages I offer for more details or feel free to shoot me an e-mail at – I can’t wait to get started!

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