OLD Packages


Get together to talk one on one with me Kalli to discuss your goals, ask questions, and get to know each other.


I provide various customized training plans and packages.

Nutrition Plans

Achieve your goals through a customized nutritional plan or package.

KY Keto Club – 8 Week Keto Group Program

START DATE: July 6th

Investment: : $199 with nutrition portion only, $249 with optional workouts included

  • Customized meal plan with macros
  • Weekly macro adjustments as needed
  • Nutrition E-Book with instructions and recipes
  • Weekly check ins for accountability and adjustments
  • Free “All About Keto” Webinar Access
  • Group support page + online support
  • KY Fitness App access for easy progress tracking
    Optional workouts (available on the app)

*Spots limited*


(1 hour max.) REFUNDABLE with package purchase:

 $30 SKYPE or phone

Talk one on one with me, Kalli, to discuss your goals, ask questions, and get to know each other. Every client is different and I believe the relationship between coach & client is an extremely important factor for success. If you feel more comfortable meeting and having the opportunity to get to know me before beginning your online program than this is perfect for you. If you already know me, or know enough to feel comfortable, skip this step and move right into your online program so we can get started!

If you’re not interested in purchasing a package just yet, but want to get together to talk nutrition, training, contest prep, and all things health and fitness here’s your chance, ask me (almost) anything!

(Total cost of consultation will be refunded upon the purchase of one of the following packages)

12 Week Training Package

$175 ($75 first payment, $50 following two payments) OR $150 pre-paid

Receive personalized training programs developed specifically for you every four weeks. I will develop a training program created to help you achieve your health and fitness goals and provide you with an updated workout plan including weight training and cardio prescriptions every four weeks for a total of three personalized training plans. At the end of each 4 week period you will check in via e-mail to provide progress updates and receive a new and improved program to get you one step closer to success!

(Includes follow up support via e-mail and 3 e-mail check ins)

12 Week Nutrition Plan

$350 ($150 first payment, $100 following two payments) OR $300 pre-paid

Receive a personalized nutritional program developed specifically for you every four weeks. I will develop a nutritional program to help you achieve your health and fitness goals and provide you with an updated meal plan and food intake every four weeks for a total of three personalized nutritional plans. Each meal plan takes into account your likes and dislikes in order to make your new “diet” as enjoyable as possible, the trick is to make it feel like it’s NOT a diet! At the end of each 4 week period you will check in via e-mail to provide progress updates and receive a new and improved program to get you one step closer to success

(Includes follow up support via e-mail and 3 e-mail check ins)


12 Week Nutrition Plan

with Weekly Check Ins
$225 every 4 weeks OR $600 pre-paid

This package is a great way to efficiently and effectively achieve success with your diet plan as it includes weekly check ins via e-mail where I have you send weekly progress updates via e-mail and make assessments based on these updates. I will make changes to your program weekly as needed based upon these assessments, which allows me not only better develop a diet suited for you, but also holds you accountable and ensure you’re sticking to the program and reaching your nutritional goals!

(Includes follow up support via e-mail and weekly e-mail check ins)

12 Week Nutrition AND Training Plan

with Weekly Check Ins
$250 every 4 weeks or $700 pre-paid, $200 every 4 weeks thereafter (from week 12 on, price is discounted to $200/4 weeks as a thank you!)

My “holy grail” of packages, this combination of personalized nutrition and training with weekly check ins allows me to see the whole picture and aid you in reaching your fitness goals the best way I can. By receiving weekly progress updates from you via e-mail I am able to make weekly adjustments to nutrition and training programs as needed. Diet and training are changed at a minimum of every 4 weeks, but dependent on progress are likely to be changed weekly in order to provide variety in nutrition and make the proper adjustments to training and cardio in order to avoid potential plateaus.

(Includes follow up support via e-mail and weekly e-mail check ins)

12 Week Nutrition AND Training Plan

with Once Monthly Check Ins
$175 every 4 weeks or $450 pre-paid

This combination of personalized nutrition and training with monthly check ins is a great option for potentially transitioning out of or into weekly check ins. By receiving once monthly progress updates from you via e-mail I am able to make adjustments to nutrition and training programs as needed, providing you a new nutrition and training plan once every 4 weeks.

(Includes follow up support via e-mail and monthly e-mail check ins)

Note: With all purchases including weekly check ins you are welcome to request dietary changes and variety as needed to a reasonable extent, as long as requests are suitable in terms of dietary choices.

All packages purchased are final purchase with no refunds, aside from the initial consultation with the purchase of one of the above program packages.

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