Ep. #26: How Keto & Therapy Helped Chance Lorinczy Lose 300lbs

On July 2, 2019, Chance Lorinczy began a physical and mental health journey that would save his life. That day, after celebrating Canada Day to the fullest with his friends the night before, he weighed in at 600lbs. He was sick and tired. The small town Saskatchewan dad and husband was also slowly dying. Sixteen months later, after a lot of therapy and adopting ketogenic nutrition, he lost more than half his body weight.

But the battle isn’t over. In this episode, Kalli and Chance look back, look forward, and dig deep into how Chance found himself at his heaviest weight, how he dug himself out, and where he goes from here.

Content warning: conversation includes discussion of depression and suicide.

If you or someone you know are having suicidal thoughts, help is available. In an emergency, please call 911. Canada’s Suicide Prevention Service is open 24/7/365. Call 1-833-456-4566.

Chance’s Resources:

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