Medical Mom Self-Care with Kyla Thomson

Ep.128 | After a decade of medical momming, Kyla Thomson says she’s learned she must take care of herself, as much as she has to do the same for her daughter, Bella. The adult half of the duo that is Bella Brave on social media joins Kalli to share her story of resilience and building a bravery movement.

About Kyla Thomson: An incredible Medical Mom who traded her teaching career for a decade-long medical journey alongside her daughter, Bella Brave. The weight of her daunting title transformed into a beacon of light as Kyla discovered her passion for helping others heal. Witness the powerful transformation as she turns pain into power, igniting hope in millions through her social media platforms. Kyla Thomson is a beacon of inspiration, turning adversity into a force for positive change. You can catch up and follow Kyla & Bella’s extraordinary journey via her and her mom’s impressive Instagram and TikTok accounts @kylact, with close to 7M followers, where they aim to inspire by sharing their bravery with the world.

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